
A hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles, often called the "sleep hormone," as it helps control the body's circadian rhythms.


Incorporating dark mode features in digital products can support natural melatonin production, promoting better sleep hygiene.

Reducing blue light exposure in evening app usage can help maintain healthy melatonin levels, aiding sleep.

Consideration of ambient elements in virtual environments, like calming landscapes or scenes, can support relaxation and readiness for sleep.


Apps like f.lux adjust screen color temperature in the evening to reduce blue light exposure and support natural melatonin production for better sleep.

Ask Yourself

How can designers of digital reading platforms incorporate features that support natural melatonin production in users?

What considerations should be made when designing night modes in apps to ensure they effectively contribute to healthy sleep patterns?

What innovative features can be introduced in sleep technology to support melatonin regulation without relying on screen-based interaction?

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